Deck Building
The Project S Mini Game will require players to build the most powerful deck they can, utilizing a wide range of cards and abilities to choose from.
Deck Structure
When entering a game, a player must bring a deck of 16 cards. Note: 8 of these cards must be Bronze Cards while the remaining 8 can be composed of any 8 cards a player chooses.
Bronze Cards
Players must start the game with at minimum 8 Bronze Cards on the board. Bronze Cards are the most basic, but necessary cards in a player's deck. When placed on the board, Bronze Cards may only act as Cannabis Growth Cards - they will have no special ability for a player to use. Players may upgrade their Bronze Cards to Silver to unlock abilities they can use.
Upgrading CannaCardsSilver Cards and Gold Cards
Players may start the game with a maximum combination of 8 Silver Cards and Gold Cards on the board. Players may choose to start the game without any of these cards on the board. When a Silver or Gold Card is placed on the board, it will act as both a Cannabis Growth Card and a Unit Card with a unique Ability. During a player's turn, an Ability may be selected from the board to use. Abilities can provide a massive tactical advantage, but are not designed to outperform one another in terms of raw power.
Unit Cards and AbilitiesLast updated