This is a high level roadmap generalizing the basic goals of the project. For a more detailed and up to date roadmap, please visit our Discord Server, linked at the bottom of these Docs.
The roadmap will be divided into Stages, which will be divided into phases with specific objectives.
Stage 1: Pre-Development - Building the Lore and Foundations of the Project
Phase 0: Setting up foundation
Set up docs
Create smart contracts
Verify smart contracts
Mint first trading card
Date completed: Nov 18, 2022
Phase 1: Finish Structure
Create more trading cards
List card packs in shop
Update docs
Date Completed: January 6th, 2023
Phase 2: Establish Lore Library
Create concept art
Create character sketches
Release stories about the history of key events
Release stories detailing character's adventures throughout the world
Soft Deadline: March 30th, 2023
Phase 3: Creating Community Interaction
Create Lore Cards
Begin hosting Events
Reach 500 Discord Members
Snapshot Whitelisting
Soft Deadline: Q2 2023
Stage 2: Develop Infastructure - Building the Back End Aspects of the Project
Phase 1: Establish Governance
Create governance smart contract
Verify governance smart contracts
Create governance docs
Distribute governance tokens to whitelisted users
Soft Deadline Q3 2023
Phase 2: Create Blockchain
Create Project S Blockchain
Release Tokenomics
Soft Deadline: N/A until further progress is made on the project
Phase 3: Develop Blockchain
Create Treasury Bills
Host ICO (or "ITO") for whitelisted users
Merge CannaCards to new blockchain
Soft Deadline: N/A until further progress is made on the project
(Note: I aim to complete Stage 2 in full by EOY 2023, but until further progress is made, i cannot guarantee that deadline)
More info will be released as more progress is made on the project.